Knowing Divorce in Arizona

State Bar of Arizona uses the word divorce as shorthand for the real, legal term: dissolution of marriage. The simple term covers both broad and complex concepts but despite its fearsome reputation, it is possible to navigate. While the process is not always intuitive (and it is always recommended to reach out to an attorney for consultation), divorce

Categorized as Family Law

Dealing with stress after a divorce

Getting a divorce can lead to many feelings of anxiety or tension. Many people who underestimated the impact it would have on their emotional health may feel unsure about how to handle those feelings of stress. However, there are some constructive ways to deal with this issue. One of the first things a person should

Categorized as Family Law

Where does Arizona rank in cycling safety?

With its miles of open spaces and long days of sunny weather, Arizona is a desirable place for cyclists. How safe, though, is the state for cyclists? Do drivers and cyclists practice safe habits to avoid car and bicycle collisions, or is the state known for a hazardous environment for those on two wheels? According

Maintaining and separating assets and accounts during a divorce

Community property includes any assets, accounts and properties acquired jointly during a marriage in Arizona. When a couple decides to divorce, their community property generally divides equally in half between the two spouses. Millennial couples are maintaining separate bank accounts, as reported by CNBC, but it may not always prevent sharing half of it with a

Holiday Co-parenting Tips For Divorced Arizona Dads

Arizona fathers may find that the holiday season becomes a bit more stressful when they share custody of the kids with their ex-wives. However, it is possible for people to successfully co-parent and make this season a bit more peaceful.  Most parents already have a document that lays out where the kids will spend each

Could glaucoma increase your risk for a car accident?

As you age, your body may not work the same as it did when you were younger. You may start to develop conditions that make it more challenging to do daily tasks. Glaucoma is an eye condition that comes with age. Not everyone gets it, but it is quite predominant in the elderly community. If

Why should drivers keep motorcyclists in mind?

Arizona motorcyclists are outnumbered by the drivers of other vehicles by a fair margin. Because of this, many drivers may not even consider motorcycles when they hit the road. This lack of foresight can lead to crashes that may have otherwise been possible to avoid. The National Safety Council discusses why it is important for

Shared custody in AZ may benefit the kids

An unhappy marriage can feel like an immense burden on couples in Arizona. Even after filing for divorce, a lot of time goes into negotiating the separation of assets and debts. When couples have children, the disentanglement becomes even more difficult as they must work together to raise happy, healthy and well-adjusted children. In most

Categorized as Family Law

How to establish paternity in Arizona

Whether you are a father who wants to obtain visitation rights with your child or a mother seeking financial support after a relationship ends, the first step is establishing legal paternity. Once the court determines a legal father, orders for custody and support can follow. Read on to learn more about the process for establishing paternity

Categorized as Family Law