Mesa Legal Blog

The fringe impacts of a divorce

On behalf of Bryson Law Firm, PLC | July 23, 2020 | Family Law | 0 comment

When people think about the main impacts of a divorce, they often think of obvious things like moving out of the house, not living with their spouse any longer or not seeing the children as often. They know that life is going to change. However, it is important to consider other fringe impacts of divorce

Has financial infidelity undermined your marriage?

On behalf of Bryson Law Firm, PLC | July 5, 2020 | Family Law | 0 comment

Marriage is a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. When one partner starts hiding things from the other, that foundation of trust can quickly erode. Financial infidelity has recently become a mainstream concept, although the issues it includes have affected couples forever for a long time. If financial infidelity has affected your marriage, you may eventually

Speed differences cause accidents

On behalf of Bryson Law Firm, PLC | June 4, 2020 | personal injury | 0 comment

You have probably heard that speeding causes car accidents and that driver safety is the reason for speed limits, traffic tickets and other types of enforcement. This is true, as speeding drivers can’t react as well to unforeseen hazards, may lose control of their vehicles and can cause crashes. But it’s not just speeding that