Poor tire maintenance could cause a car crash

Your wife complains about how much time you spend fiddling with your car. Yet, as you tell her repeatedly, regular maintenance is key to safe driving. Sadly, not everyone’s car is as roadworthy as yours. You are reflecting on this as you drive back to Mesa from Phoenix one afternoon. Approaching fast in the mirror

The fringe impacts of a divorce

When people think about the main impacts of a divorce, they often think of obvious things like moving out of the house, not living with their spouse any longer or not seeing the children as often. They know that life is going to change. However, it is important to consider other fringe impacts of divorce

Categorized as Family Law

Why unmarried fathers need to establish paternity

Arizona has long presumed paternity when the wife in a married couple has a child. Regardless of the genetics involved, the husband of a woman who has a child is the presumptive father. He will be on the birth certificate and will have both parental rights and responsibilities to his children while married and in

Categorized as Family Law

Has financial infidelity undermined your marriage?

Marriage is a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. When one partner starts hiding things from the other, that foundation of trust can quickly erode. Financial infidelity has recently become a mainstream concept, although the issues it includes have affected couples forever for a long time. If financial infidelity has affected your marriage, you may eventually